SimWrapper Change Log
Welcome to SimWrapper! All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.
The list of changes is generated automatically based on the commit messages themselves. If the first line of a commit begins with either fix:
or feat:
then the commit will be registered as a fix or a feature in the list below. Links to the commits and GitHub Issues are also autogenerated based on the commit messages.
See standard-version for commit guidelines.
The SimWrapper code repository containing the full commit history is on GitHub at
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.5.3 (2024-12-06)
Bug Fixes
- handle paths that start with "./" properly (a20c18f)
- logistics: individual hub chains and avro network support (a665b88)
- Markdown links in splitview mode all lead to home page (7f5f55b), closes #419
3.5.2 (2024-12-02)
Bug Fixes
- breadcrumb URLs sometimes missing base url on nonstandard endpoints (02f65ab)
- Chrome local-files "grant access" prompt was unclear and sometimes hidden (1498e6e)
- script correctly handles CRS codes with "flipped" X/Y coords such as EPSG:31468 (167690c)
- Markdown panels can include images with relative paths (1c34d7e)
- Plotly standalone YAML configs are now read properly (6ee3844)
- Prevent browser tab crashess due to memory leak (#416) (ef1c76e)
- Support http file server support for "npx serve --cors -p 8000" (7c9186c)
3.5.1 (2024-11-22)
Bug Fixes
- better error messages for missing files and files too large (ec568d2)
- logistics: tours with multiple hubs displaying correctly; individual hub chains now selectable (76a12c7)
3.5.0 (2024-11-15)
- Allow dashboard subtabs to import dashboard files (d69b8fa)
- Implement Geopackage file format support in map view and layer map (8c757a8)
- New MATSim logistics viewer, similar to carrier viewer (ad2fa38)
- transit: Custom route colors based on GTFS/route parameters, with "colors" attribute (2b9a7f8)
Bug Fixes
- Area map click events register correctly when symbology panel is open (5242215)
- Better transit line color highlighting (e7b3ef6)
- hexagons: Large speedup of XY/Hexagon plot with large datasets (7819e67)
- transit viewer reads new Avro network format properly (89068bd)
3.4.3 (2024-10-23)
Bug Fixes
- Small design changes on the sankey plot (#397) (5888a2a)
- transit: handle transit lines that contain zero routes (5aea47c)
- transit: transit viewer hangs if roadway and transit schedule are not in sync (2d8a9c9), closes #339
3.4.2 (2024-10-15)
Bug Fixes
- Dataset manager - handle Firefox hangs when CSV too large for memory (80f8f3f)
- GridMap doesn't load if projection isn't specified in YAML (9636e34)
- if no customRouteType is defined (675701e)
- Matrix viewer displays a loading spinner while data is loading (22503aa), closes #391
- Sankey chart font size is sometimes too small (87baad5), closes #309
- Shapefile background layers were not showing dots/circles (1c3af1c), closes #198
- Shapefile info panel moved to right, so tooltips no longer flicker (2870f0d), closes #384
- XML network loader failed on very small networks (ccfb045)
3.4.1 (2024-08-13)
Bug Fixes
- Add build commit/tag info to splash page (f5c4e04), closes #360
- Add proper scrollbar for map view configurators (bdd1d47)
- Favorite folder star went missing (8a4b17d)
3.4.0 (2024-08-08)
- Plotly bar/line/area/pie/scatter plots learned stable "category" colors (7eb1933)
- Shapefile "On top": layers can now be above or below main dataset (d94a775), closes #380
- Support TeX math equations in Markdown panels (2f26513)
Bug Fixes
- Redraw Shapefile layers when extra layers are reloaded (2eb5cdd), closes #379
- Shapefile background layers show/hide slowly (6ece149), closes #379
- Shapefile click-to-lock tooltip (8e6d160), closes #372
- Shapefile should load even if DBF file is missing. (9bac1e3)
- Shapefile viewer should be able to open MATSim networks (745c37e)
3.3.0 (2024-07-11)
- Background layers for shapefile/geojson maps (9efe6d4)
Bug Fixes
3.2.0 (2024-06-25)
- add line break for long titles on facets (f1ff14d)
- Option to add labels to heatmap using 'showLabels' (7f8bccf)
Bug Fixes
- aggregate-od: add manual centroid capability (f359355)
- aggregate-od: add manual centroid capability (881c2f0)
- Fix min/max calculation on colors and widths when NaNs are present (b9020d6)
- flowmap: allow manual centroid property on geojson (c8da7a0)
- flowmap: allow manual centroid property on geojson (1f5d005)
- Links to local filesystem handles get mixed after delete/re-add (65eab6f)
3.1.2 (2024-05-16)
Bug Fixes
- Links to local filesystem handles get mixed after delete/re-add (3dc661d)
3.1.1 (2024-05-13)
Bug Fixes
- "simwrapper" and ".simwrapper" config folders should allow any capitalization (d7a0791), closes #341
- Chrome Local Files system tiles were sorted incorrectly (6e4e6ab), closes #348
- matrix: Matrix viewer can now handle huge larger-than-RAM datasets (2393f0c)
- plotly: resize/maximize sometimes confuses scatterplot axes (2eb913b), closes #347
3.1.0 (2024-04-24)
- New HDF5 Matrix viewer (c52ab5b)
- shapefile: Add experimental MATSim network support to shapefile map (05d9d3f)
Bug Fixes
- annotations (10bcd73)
- error handling on layout-manager (c904f8e)
- gridmap: Timeslider "off-by-one" error (#337) (f67380e)
- Manual breakpoints in gridlayer not being honored (1d12c48), closes #344
- Manual color breakpoints sometimes not honored (9e07d4f)
- Map scale is wrong on non-retina screens (fee654e), closes #333
- Restore missing error messages in single-panel mode (775f6f9)
- sankey: Allow CSVs with any delimiter ,;\t (2caf737)
- shapefile: filter boundaries/shapes when DATA filters match (b6a582e)
- shapefile: filter boundaries/shapes when DATA filters match (a272479)
- shapefile: tooltips in YAML not displaying properly (19f5b5a)
- shapefile: tooltips in YAML not displaying properly (decf58b)
- Show better error messages if YAML fails to parse when loading viz details (#343) (b622d17), closes #340
- transit: Experimental AVRO large network file support for transit (4496252)
3.0.4 (2024-03-18)
Bug Fixes
- Restore missing error messages in single-panel mode (c667a83)
- shapefile: filter out features that don't have a geometry (crash) (20e2c91)
3.0.3 (2024-01-24)
Bug Fixes
- Markdown panels should stretch to fit content unless height is given (b24f10d)
- On Chrome, local-files refreshing page often fails and always requires reauthentication (6f692b4), closes #322
3.0.2 (2024-01-17)
Bug Fixes
- Incorrect join on single feature when using DBF (e5669bb), closes #322
- split panel scroll is broken for folders with long lists (30c426d)
3.0.1 (2023-12-18)
Bug Fixes
- markdown panels are not scrollable (8a7c9c3)
3.0.0 (2023-12-06)
- Project sites which use custom.css,, and should review their dashboards to ensure they still fit with the new layout and UI design. In many cases, custom.css is now completely unnecessary, as styling can now be included in simwrapper-config.yaml
Merge branch 'staging'
- Dashboard subtabs (b02322e)
- Improved file navigation with breadcrumbs, and better dashboard layout (2fbf085)
- New "grid map" visualization for point-data (65e5f7d)
- Pinned favorite folders (c015ef3)
- Project site left-side navigation and dashboard layout improvements (14f528d)
- Subtabs YAML update for dashboard sections with subtabs (1dda4b3)
- Top navigation bar for project pages via simwrapper-config.yaml (dd51785)
- Updated UI, cleaner dashboard looks, new project site features (6e71517)
Bug Fixes
- map: Map doesn't consistently switch themes (ccc09c7), closes #284
- text: Text/Markdown panels could be the wrong size (ce44e1b)
2.5.4 (2023-11-17)
Bug Fixes
- Better error messages when basic chart configs are missing columns (9e97d1e)
- csv: CSV tables were expanding outside their bounds (e61b751)
- map: shapefile infinite wait on missing geojson file (b5b3ffa)
2.5.3 (2023-11-09)
Bug Fixes
2.5.2 (2023-11-02)
Bug Fixes
- Atlantis "non" coordinate system better handled now (b2ae688)
- links: very old MATSim networks were not loading properly (0eeb24c)
- normalized data calculation out of alignment (802bbd9), closes #281
- user-supplied bad/wrong url -> better error message (023480a), closes #259
2.5.1 (2023-08-29)
Bug Fixes
- carriers: Preprocessed network files not loading (890d453), closes #288
- carriers: Show simple tours if there is no route (3e22128), closes #290
- links: some networks with Atlantis coord system not loading after EPSG prompt (9e9e4a7)
- plotly: y-axis on plots with two y-axes not aligned (54a349b), closes #291
- veh-animation: Vehicle icons not loading from all base URLs (86b6287)
- xy-hexagons: Hexagon map sometimes ignores user-supplied center (1b7d16f)
2.5.0 (2023-08-22)
Bug Fixes
- better error messages in vega-chart plugin (b4de7da)
- carriers: Carrier viewer not loading some large networks (784b8c5)
- hexagons: blank CSVs crash the map (85254e5), closes #286
- Plotly slider bug (Issue #282) (#283) (52d942c)
- Startup time improvement through lazy loading of viz plugins (8c3be04)
- xyt: X-Y-T plot can specify manual breakpoints instead of buckets,exponent (43a08f0)
2.4.0 (2023-06-09)
- XML viewer, see your XML configs in a searchable tree view (058bb0d)
Bug Fixes
- csv: Support column names with dots e.g. (5a79d86)
- X/Y/T plots now work in dashboards (#267) (ab1eb35)
2.3.0 (2023-05-26)
- Adding a new Tiles/Overview Panel (#254) (92334d8)
- New "CSV" Table plug in (#250) (7e4ede6)
- New "tiles" plugin for individual metrics in pretty boxes (ea1f008)
- New Plotly plugin supporting all Plotly chart types (387ad79)
Bug Fixes
- aggregate-od: Some centroids are blank/zero; should be hidden (db3493b), closes #155
- build: Always set base URL from a clean config when building (2ee0da0)
- Firefox (sometimes) fails to load large MATSim XML networks (3faecf7), closes #260
- hexagons: Off-by-one error in data files that don't end with a newline (97da006)
- map: categorical color scale doesn't handle missing values properly (bfb08c7)
- map: Let line widths be 1-pixel if no data exists for line color (1dd9e9f)
- plotly: use "legendTitles: [...] to specify legend text (88d4fcd), closes #257
- shapefile: allow user to specify center as "long,lat" instead of array (6f7fdef)
- shapefile: diff mode for line widths/colors working better (118c2a2), closes #263
- Support point-only shapes from shapefiles (6c3a919)
- Text color darkmode markdown plugin is too dark (2dc485f), closes #249
- transit: allow viz-pt-*.yaml file to specify correct network (old kelheim) (e3d5aae), closes #172
- transit: first departure time missing from route details panel (fc438c2), closes #171
2.2.1 (2023-05-05)
Bug Fixes
- CSV table plugin has poor precision (25169fc)
- Embed multiple SimWrapper views on a single HTML webpage (8df8638), closes #245
- map: Tooltip values get rounded in strange ways (b87f0b5), closes #247
- pie/line/bar charts from subfolders not appearing (14fd18a)
2.2.0 (2023-04-21)
Bug Fixes
- shapefile plugin ignores .SHP (capitalized) filenames (2ca70c5), closes #232
- transit: Firefox could not load some transit networks (5f674a1), closes #234
2.1.1 (2023-03-30)
Bug Fixes
- "giant network" support and "Atlantis" coords work in network loader (ecac9a8), closes #194 #195
- calcs: calculation tables lost ability to recalculate (d497923)
- geojson shape viewer failed on some geojson files (e95114b), closes #196
- map: allow overriding shapefile projection in YAML,fixes #192 (eeda80a)
- map: Better warning when shapefile has unknown coordinate system (35f151b)
- map: Shapefile filters export better and work with multiple params (2bed365)
- Page reloads don't work with Chrome Local Files (e229a1f), closes #205
- Project YAML files should be in "simwrapper" or ".simwrapper" folders (cd07489), closes #221 #211
- shapefile join dialog not always showing up for "add dataset" (b68ff66)
- UP button on folder browser doesn't always go up (351c8d1)
- x-y-t coordinate projection should not be case-sensitive (bb2c3a6), closes #204
2.1.0 (2023-01-08)
- Dashboard files no longer need "props:" subsection: less indentation! (777a85e)
Bug Fixes
- flowmap: 2.0 merge caused some flowmap problems (4d2e4f4), closes #189
- folder browser thumbnail colors are not consistent (d74964c)
- Sankey plot and others had ill-formed div ID's (b179d6b)
- Shapefile data tooltips went missing (76f0931), closes #188
2.0.1 (2022-12-22)
Bug Fixes
- memory optimization for shapefile and transit viewers
- camera is not shifting when user specified a center in YAML (ffd981f)
2.0.0 (2022-12-16)
- several new config files require new parameters
- add keep/drop params for datasets and shapefiles (efc4819)
- Add user-defined data sources and URL shortcuts (1861090)
- carriers: enable carrier multi-select (fbcfa00), closes #185
- charts: Filter basic chart types with values and ranges (c684fe3)
- dashboards: Render folder contents above tab bar (19b2800)
- dashboards: Skip dashboards using .nodashboards and triggerPattern (23486ba)
- Drag and Drop support for splitting views (6aabf72)
- embed EPSG code in CSV files with a comment line # EPSG:xxxx (20cddb7)
- Filter shapes by property values such as facility types (c37f91d)
- Filter shapes by property values such as facility types (a5dc632)
- links: Support SFCTA-style daysim networks (f8974be)
- map: Filters work on datasets now (a1437ba)
- map: Legends now auto-generated based on map colors, widths, etc (#156) (af4fee6)
- map: Legends now auto-generated based on map colors, widths, etc (#156) (0f9b062)
- map: Map learned relative-difference mode "relative: true" (779a8dc)
- maps: Shapefile viewer learned fill height, circle radius, and more (93653f4)
- Redesigned left-side navigation for quick access to files & settings (9fee32c)
- Serve /public/data files from /data URL (93408d8)
Bug Fixes
add background to back-button on full-screen visualizations (9f0c314)
Add pitch/bearing to map export yaml (2370b54)
adjust MapLibre logo so it's always in the proper corner (a4000bd)
BASE_URL must be imported correctly with latest Vite 3.1.x (223935f)
calcs: Old calc/topsheets using {dataset.column} instead of @sum work (b088eac)
dark mode charts had wrong background color (0f09d6f)
dashboards: allow .nodashboards, nodashboards, nodashboards.txt (abf166f)
dashboards: allow "type: markdown" as synonym for "type: text" block (1ebeb66)
double slash in path names can sometimes break file loading (d73b2e8)
downgrade vite to 2.5.10 until we can figure out the base_url problem (6a356c3)
fix shapefile export by patching dbf package (7870994)
link viz no longer fails when some link-ids are parseable as numbers (2bc224f)
links: prompt user for EPSG if network doesn't contain crs attribute (711ef4e)
Load geojson-encoded MATSim networks in background (a4fefcb)
memory leak in shapefile viewer (d23184b)
move logo based on ResizeObserver API - instead of window.resize (9bee707)
shapes: transparency slider was invisible (eb7151c)
simwrapper folder in root of filesystem might get ignored (2b81f68)
switch "simwrapper here" ports from 9039 -> 8050 (6a2efb2)
Topsheet configs don't handle *asterisk properly (#166) (d51b250), closes #154
topsheets don't load local files with '..' in path (9e85b3a)
transit: fix #149, transit network crashes if route has just one stop (3230a81)
transit: Some pt_stop2stop_departures files were not loading (f6aab04)
update supported browser list: any browser from the past 3 years (5057f17)
xy: handle *wildcards and input CSVs with CRLF line endings (e9f30c1)
xyt: Ask user for coordinate system if it is needed (d27ed95)
xyt: time slider was crashing chrome with some x/y/t datasets (35f16ee)
xyt: XYT can now load huge files from Subversion and the web (fd9a090)
xyt: XYT map no longer always centered on Berlin (502102b)
bump version to 2.0.0 (ae2afac)
1.10.0 (2022-04-25)
- Aggregate-OD learned dashboards, lineWidths, and hideSmallerThan (b8035c2)
- Calculation tables can now be 'table' type, and use table*.yaml config (2868708)
- Dashboards learned "text" block type, for including readme content (7d7b4f4)
- map: give user feedback while loading files (ef919d5)
- new "Area Map" viz type for zone maps, etc: viz-map*.yaml (9bf2a8d)
- Save PNG screenshot of all DeckMap-based views (059e43a)
- tables: add @sum, @count, @first, @last, @mean, @min, @max functions to tables (9b2020a), closes #35
Bug Fixes
- Allow wildcards in network path loader (dd70112), closes #117
- Autoplay option for video (cce6922), closes #135
- DBF data loader wasn't calculating max column values (2ef2336)
- drawing tool placement conflicts with map settings (72ad432)
- fix #138, images don't reload on tabs in chrome-local-mode (f7ba932)
- gunzip JSON files if necessary (0832c4f)
- Honor simwrapper/ folder contents for SUBFOLDER dashboards only (373685a), closes #108
- Image plugin now handles asterisks (e216e4b), closes #136
- map: better tooltip with value at top (a92937a)
- map: improved export with more fields populated (3dabf6f)
- map: Massive speed boost by turning off shape border-lines (372c94d)
- maps: handle large number of columns, filters in UI (d35274e)
- map: still show TAZ boundaries for smaller geojson files (ee632cf)
- overall layout bugs - left panel, close buttons, etc (7f185f1)
- Parse space-delimited CSVs properly (79da8bd)
- Support GeoJSON networks with or (dbbaf7e), closes / /
- Tables and topsheets now shown as thumbnails on Files tab (2c79733), closes #106
- Xy-hexagon YAML now has zoom,center,maxHeight,radius enabled (d50ba3b)
1.9.0 (2022-03-17)
- Add dashboard row-id as a CSS class name, to enable custom css (97f9a7d), closes #122
- Dashboard widths in simwrapper-config.yaml; width: [100%|70rem] etc (131fca6), closes #120
- Enable Chrome local file browsing (5bb3bed)
- New 'slideshow' or 'image' dashboard panel type (e010ca3), closes #113
- save tab in URL bar (f85f2a6), closes #134
- Site headers, footers, and standalone dashboards (#116) (3669579)
Bug Fixes
- Don't flash footer at top of page while tabs are switching (2f19ade), closes #123
- Sankey ordering should be based on data input, not inconsistent (04f6a12), closes #114
- topsheet doesn't parse XML correctly (107c277)
- Vega-chart layout broken in multi-facted charts (714b29b), closes #133
1.8.0 (2022-03-03)
- Dashboards learned "video" panel type (#107) (a2670a4)
- links: configurable viewport (#103) (5011174)
Bug Fixes
1.7.2 (2022-02-11)
Bug Fixes
- Clean up Plotly chart margins and layouts (cb52138)
- flowmap: flowmap link volumes not showing up in latest build (b95984e)
- support simwrapper command-line tool "here" mode (231f70d)
- vega: reformulate non-FQDN data URLs to point to file storage (2ed4c74)
1.7.1 (2022-02-10)
Bug Fixes
- improve vega chart backgrounds in dark mode (b95807c)
- links: colors and widths of bare networks not set correctly (af13e2f)
- Markdown table formatting needs spacing and shading. (f7cbd72)
- Sankey label widths should be based on data, not hard-coded (3eb120d)
1.7.0 (2022-02-09)
- Dashboards learned "text" block type, for including readme content (94a2087)
Bug Fixes
- Add more helpful error messages when files don't load (53f994f)
- Bug in SAFARI prevents topsheets from loading (e1b4907)
- Dashboards should respect locale for title/title_en/title_de and desc (f27bf70)
- firefox on windows hangs on background worker dataset load (f1fdb87)
- links: Diff mode plot could show wrong data in some situations (6d34252)
- load dashboard panels in sequence, WIP (8e42dec)
- Pie charts should use column order, not "largest first" (3cb622d)
- Support GeoJSON networks with or (825546a), closes / /
- topsheets can reference parent folders in /file/../paths (d1bb736)
- Vega-lite chart sizes & subfolder paths were not calculated correctly (3d76add)
1.6.1 (2022-02-07)
Bug Fixes
- topsheets: Bug in SAFARI prevents topsheets from loading (e1b4907)
- dashboards: Dashboards should respect locale for title/title_en/title_de and desc (f27bf70)
- links: Diff mode plot could show wrong data in some situations (6d34252)
- topsheets: topsheets can reference parent folders in /file/../paths (d1bb736)
1.6.0 (2022-01-31)
- DBF files now supported in most places where CSVs are allowed (3866379)
- Enable drag/drop to load datasets (CSV,.GZ) (a4bd4ce)
- links: Categorical link data can be used for colors (2e00fa5)
- links: Export YAML config with full color & width settings (2fd285e)
- links: Load detailed color and width settings from YAML (fa02c9e)
- New configuration panel for colors & widths (84c7c35), closes #98
Bug Fixes
- area map should center on geojson data center instead of San Francisco (37b5430)
- fails because Python 3.9 flipped coordinate x/y for projections (4bc9e9d)
- Dark mode map zoom/center buttons should follow map theme (2858907)
- Fix single-panel navigation; URL of YAML file should load the viz (ba79c79)
- links: diff mode better, but still WIP (f19b954)
- links: Diff tooltip not showing difference values (74b4c79)
- links: Firefox crashes when large network.xml.gz files are read (5453401)
- links: Link widths could show wrong data if multiple datafiles loaded (10b234b)
- Zoom buttons & drawing tool aren't drawn nicely together (z-indexes) (8b299ba)
1.5.0 (2021-12-22)
- aggregate-od: Aggregate O/D Spider diagrams learned to be in dashboards (8485d45)
- carriers: Carrier viewer learned how to be in a dashboard (7e32b23)
- vega: Vega-Lite charts now embeddable in dashboards (b365bd0)
Bug Fixes
- carriers: Carriers viewer should be available when output_carriers file exists (86ce42a)
- links: Strange sadface appears instead of background map on Chrome (c502ae8)
- sankey: Sankey has resize problems (e38f5cd), closes #82
- transit: Improve transit dashboard layout (7935a54)
- Zoom buttons are missing from area-maps (9bb4bea)
1.4.0 (2021-12-20)
- Add interactive map scale to all maps, near the zoom buttons (8021fce), closes #69
- dash: Project-level dashboards, vizes, and calculation topsheets (b920e63)
- hexagons: XY Hexagon viz learned how to embed in dashboards (3b495ae)
- Maps learned zoom-in, zoom-on, and reset-view on all views (244c4f5), closes #70
- sankey: Sankey learned "only show changes" and can be embedded in dashboards (a96c190)
- transit: add transit viz to dashboards too' (12eb429)
Bug Fixes
- charts: Better filenames for exported charts (d97041d), closes #79
- Hovering on a map shows a weird card title when it shouldn't (d10c1ce)
- Re-enable some error messages when files can't be loaded (a709f7c)
- Transit viewer asks nicely for coordinate system EPSG now (4c601bc)
1.3.3 (2021-12-14)
Bug Fixes
- charts: bar/line charts now for standard matsim *stats.txt files (aeb8fc9)
- links: Time-slider and colorramp buttons don't work together. (77a7965)
- topsheet: topsheets lost their user-entry fields and titles (2312659)
1.3.2 (2021-12-13)
Bug Fixes
- xy: Ask for coordinate system if loading output_trips (c1b5e91)
1.3.1 (2021-12-09)
- heatmap: Heatmap learned flipAxes true/false, to flip the heatmap :-) (5aa3c07)
1.3.0 (2021-12-09)
- dashboard: Charts can zoom/unzoom fullscreen now (2587521)
- Support multiple local servers on ports 8000-8500 (8ca422f)
Bug Fixes
- Fix #71, DrawingTool broke with big Vite merge (9f23d79)
- Fix dark/light mode watcher in dashboard charts (1291ef7)
- Plotly charts don't resize properly when switching dashboard tabs (affccab)
- sankey: handle commas,semicolons,tabs as separators (8b2cacb)
- sankey: plot size on Chrome/Safari (5a31fb0)
- sankey: Sankey text colors follow dark/light theme now (5500a8d)
- useLastRow and ignoreColumns are leaking into other dashboard views (1d690b2), closes #75
- video-player resizing bugs (e480798)
- Vite: faster builds & fewer dependencies (a4d92c0)
1.1.0 (2021-11-24)
- New "heatmap" chart type (c15b21f)
Bug Fixes
1.0.1 (2021-11-08)
- Fix Stacked Bar Chart edbe0a2)
1.0.0 (2021-11-03)
We are starting to use "semantic versioning" now, so we can track builds since our number of users is increasing.
Version numbers are MAJOR.MINOR.POINT where
- MAJOR: major new releases; breaking changes, etc
- MINOR: feature releases, new functionality
- POINT: bugfixes and internal improvements
This seems as good a time as any to stamp a "1.0.0" release. Woot!
- Color schemes (3d19f36)
- carriers: update carrier viewer for simwrapper (4090e20)
- charts: allow relative paths for dataset (2350993)
- dash: Area charts (d715ea5)
- dash: Choro-CIRCLES plot on map! (40b4b1c)
- dash: Choropleth maps! (fe43f09)
- dash: fullscreen button on card headers (e252f8e)
- dash: Load any dashboard from /gist/123456789 (5668974)
- dash: Tabbed dashboards! (96acf3e)
- flowmap: FlowMap based on FlowmapBlue (WIP) (f667347)
- topsheet: allow hard-coded paths in topsheet config (0472807)
- add @filter to topsheet calcs (5aa8623)
- Add DrawingTool to XY plot (065e198), closes #39
- add EN/DE locale support (161897f)
- Dark mode! (0556c2c)
- Move main site to (5782022)
- new Vega-Lite charting plugin (16d25f4)
- run-finder panel treeview (d8725db)
- Show transit viewer thumbnail whenever output_transitSchedule is present (f67f38c)
- topsheet filters ==,<=,>=,!=,<,> (866a1c0)
- topsheet title comes from title/title_en/title_de fields (3d7e25f)
- Try to find coordinate system in output_config.xml (5ce8766)
- carriers: add shipment tooltips and drive on left/right side (fd7d056)
- carriers: fix #8 - add +/- to carriers treeview (fcb7d57)
- dash: Topsheet + Pie are more or less working (3698bc1)
- shapefile: a bit better at guessing CRS projections (209e060)
- shapefile: Add opacity slider (5df86a8), closes #38
- video: add video plugin (442c408)
- video: video player plugin (c250a11)
Bug Fixes
- Charts learned dark/light modes (97c77fc)
- carriers: fix #1 use link midpoint for shipment locations (3e589f6)
- dash: allow map geojson to be on Url or local file path (17e79e6)
- dash: bg colors in dark mode (f6b5776)
- dash: Dashboard max 110rem width. Too wide is too wide. (ec4dcaf)
- dash: loose threads causing bad card reloads (90c74ed)
- dash: nicer shape/circle buttons (81a2e46)
- dash: No need for dashboards to have a max width (79d6d9d)
- dashboard: links-gl layout improvements (af78cde)
- links: column names with hours were being mangled (f61a6fd)
- links: config panel layout (eb8b6ec)
- links: config panel layout (0d750f0)
- links: diff plots are always red/blue now (5903c4c)
- links: handle .gz and non-.gz inputs (fd44328)
- links: thumbnail images (3e0324a)
- links: time-slider was too narrow (218cac7)
- links: use network center (7a7d86a)
- shapefile: guess more EPSG codes (e941f07)
- back button is broken (109d672), closes #21
- better navigation when clicking on viz thumbnails (d5a7892)
- dashboard tabs sometimes show old labels (8804b2a)
- Draw shapefile exports as EPSG:31468 instead of WGS84 (needs work) (9176141)
- draw tool should not hide underlying layers (89b9fde)
- transit: try to find correct transitSchedule, network, demand files (8a4beef)
- clean up RunFinder layout (c03ef5c)
- gist viewer wasn't loading (3d194f5)
- host font-awesome locally so site works offline (af0b4d7)
- shapefile drawer should export as WGS84, always (f75c202), closes #29 #31
- shapefile tooltip (4222877)
- shapefile zoom and tooltip (705a233)
- thumbnail image heights (55132d8)